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Plant around us

 Plant around us

The world is green because plants are everywhere. Plants use sunlight to grow and once they grow, that can reproduce. Plant come in many sizes and shapes- from grasser to trees and their many parts can be used by animals and people  for food and other purposes.

Here we are giving information about some amazing plants. Let’s read and know more about them:

1. Liverworts do not have true roots. They are anchored to the ground by hair-like structures called rhizoids that resemble roots.


2. Poison  ivy is a harmful vine or shrub which is a member or the cashew family the tissue of this plant contains a poisonous  oil,  which is highly irritating to the skin. 

Poison  ivy
Poison  ivy

3.Succulents are capable of storing water in their leaves, stems; etc.it helps them to survive in places with scarcity of water or drought-stricken areas.


4. Giant kelp is found in the pacific and is the longest seaweed which can grow up to 200 ft long.

Giant kelp
Giant kelp 

5. Lianas are climbing plants, commonly found in the tropical rainforests. They have long stems that hang down as ropes.  


6. Strawberry is a member of the rose family and is low-growing plant that propagates by means of its extensive runners from which root extend into the soil.


7. Perennial survive for more than two years. The parts of these plants that are above the ground are killed in autumn season but underground parts survive through the winter and the growth is renewed and the cycle begins again in the spring season.


Fact file

Ferns are among the oldest kinds of plants living on land.

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