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India new currency | new currency notes in India 2020


New currency

On 8th November 2016, the government of India announced that the Ru. 500  and Ru. 1000  banknotes issued till November 8, 2016, have been stopped for use legal tenders and announced the issuance of new Ru. 500 and Ru. 2000 banknotes of the Mahatma Gandhi new series in exchange for the old banknotes.

Security features of the new Ru. 2000 currency note one must know.

Here are the key points on the front side of the 2000 rupee note.


2000 currency note

2000 currency note
2000 currency note

The salient features of the banknotes will be as under:


1.      1.  See-through register with denominational numeral 2000.

1.     2.   Latent image with denomination number २०००.

2.     3.   Denominational number २००० in Devanagari.

3.     4.   Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi at the center.

4.       5. Micro letter ‘RBI’ and ‘2000’ on the left side of the banknote.

5.     6.   Windowed security thread with inscriptions ‘India, RBI, and 2000 oo banknotes with color shift. The Colour of the thread changes from green to blue when the note is tilted.

6.      7.  Guarantee clause, governor’s signature with promise clause and RBI emblem towards right.

7.    8.   Denominational numeral with rupee symbol, Ru.  2000 in color changing ink (green to blue) on bottom right.

8.     9.   Ashoka pillar emblem on the right Mahatma Gandhi portrait and electrotype (2000) watermarks.

9.     10.   Number panel with numerals growing from small to big on the top side and bottom right side for visually impaired intaglio or raised printing of Mahatma Gandhi portrait, Ashoka Pillar emblem, bleed lines, and identity mark.    

     11.   Horizontal rectangle with Ru. 2000 in raised print on the right.  

       12.   Seven angular bleed lines on the left and right side in raised print.

     13.   Year of printing of the note on the left.


Reverse (back) 

   13. Swachh Bharat logo with slogan.

   14. Language panel towards the center.

   15. Denominational numeral २००० in Devanagari dimension of the banknote will be 66mm × 166mm.

new 500 notes
new 500 notes 


The size of the new note is 66mm × 150mm. the color of the notes is stone grey and the predominant new theme is Indian heritage site-red fort.

Features of the new 500 notes 

Obverse (front)

1.   See-through register in the denominational numeral.

2.   Latent image of the denominational numeral.

3.   Denominational the numeral in Devanagari.

4.   Orientation and the relative position of Mahatma Gandhi's portrait changed.

5.   Windowed security thread  change color from green to blue when the note is tilted.

6.   Guarantee clause, governor’s signature with promise clause, and RBI emblem shifted towards right.

7.   Portrait and electrotype watermark.

8.   Number panel with numerals growing from small to big on the top left side and bottom right side.

9.   Denomination in numerals growing from small to big on the top left side and bottom right side.           

10. Ashoka pillar emblem on the right.


11. Year of printing of the note on left.

12. Swachh Bharat logo with slogan.

13. Language panel towards the center

14.  Red fort- an image of an Indian heritage site with an Indian flag.

New design notes in other denominations will follow.

For more details visit:


new  50 rupees

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