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Endangered plants | endangered plants in india

 Endangered plants

Endangered plant species can be found all over the world. No matter where they are located, they all share one common factor that is thought to have put them on the endangered list. They may have existed in an early era but their lack of use has not encouraged efforts to promote conservation.

Here we are giving some information about endangered plant species with their pictures. Let’s read and know more about them:


They are found on the volcanic islands of Hawaii.


Down redwood

They were rediscovered in China.

 Sago palm

They are slow-growing evergreens.



It feeds on insects they are rapped when the trapped when the two lobes of the leaf snap shut.



It is among the world’s rarest cacti.


Brush lilies

They are eaten by possums.


The bristlecone pine tree in California and Nevada, USA are almost 5000 years old and are believed to be the oldest trees 

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