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scientific instruments list | scientific instruments pictures with names | scientific instruments


Scientific instruments

A scientific instrument is an instrument used for scientific purposes. Most of them are measurement instruments. They may be specially designed, constructed, and refined for the purpose. Over time instruments have become more accurate and precise.

Given below are some scientific instruments with their uses also. Let’s read and understand about them:

1.      1. Cardiograph is a medical instrument for tracing heart movement.


2.     2.  The microscope is an instrument used for magnifying minute objects by a lens system.

The microscope
The microscope

3.      3. Eudiometer is a glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions between gases.


4.     4.  A hydrometer is an instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.

A hydrometer
 A hydrometer

  5.  A galvanometer is an instrument used for measuring the electric current of a small magnitude.

6.      6. A gramophone is an instrument used for reproducing sound.

A gramophone
A gramophone

7.      7.  A photometer is an instrument used for measuring the intensity of light.

A photometer
A photometer

8.      8. A photometer is an apparatus used for recording rainfall at a particular place.

A photometer
A photometer

9.     9.   A refractometer is an instrument used to measure refractive indexes.

A refractometer
 A refractometer

10. 10.   A speedometer is an instrument that indicates the speed of a moving vehicle.

A speedometer
 A speedometer

11.  11.  The manometer is an instrument used for measuring the pressure of a gas.

The manometer
 The manometer

12. 12 An odometer is an instrument by which the distance covered by wheeled vehicles is measured.

An odometer
An odometer 

Fact file

Ø  Spherometer  is an instrument for measuring curvature of surfaces.



Ø  Periscope is use to view objects above the sea level. (used in submarines.)


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