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scientific terms list and meaning in English


Scientific terms

In the study of science, measurement is very important, as it allows for precision and accuracy whether you are performing chemistry experiments or solving physics equations. It is also necessary for everyday life.

Ø     Here we are giving some most important measuring units and their uses. Let’s read and understand about them :

1.       An acre is an area of 4840 square yards originally, the area, yoke of oxen could plow in one day.

2.       Angstrom is used for measuring the length of light waves.

3.       A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise  the temperature of one gram of water through one degree centigrade.

4.       Hertz is the modern unit for the measurement of electromagnetic wave frequencies (equivalent to “cycles per second”)

5.       Ohm is a practical unit of measuring resistance.

6.       Fathom is used for measuring cables and depths of water.

7.       Force is something which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of tends to change the state of rest or uniform the motion of a body in a straight line.

8.       A light-year is used for measuring interstellar space.

9.       Neutron is a nuclear atomic particle having a mass equal to that of the hydrogen atom and carrying no electric charge.

10.   Photosynthesis is the process by which laves of green plants make food using water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight.

11.   Watt is the unit of power. The power using by the current of one-volt equal ones.

12.   Conduction is the process of transmission of heat in which energy is handed over from one particle to another.


fact file

Ø  Energy is the capacity for doing work.

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